The Professional Master Degree of Agriculture Extension is a new type of professional degree approved by the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council in 2000.The educational management process is in the beginning stage. 农业推广硕士专业学位是国务院学位委员会于2000年新增的专业学位类型,其教育管理过程尚属于起步创新阶段。
Trust contract is a special contract in nature, which is an extension of the contract of commission. So, "Trust Law" is a special part of the "Contract Law". It mainly adjusts trust contract. 信托合同从本质上说是一种特殊的合同,是委托合同的一种延伸,因此《信托法》是《合同法》的特别法,主要对信托合同进行调整。